Preclinical Document Automation

Transform complex study data into clear, regulatory-compliant documents

With a simple, no code interface, Yseop Copilot supports preclinical scientific writing requirements.

Discover how Generative AI automates the critical chain of preclinical documents to provide immediate value for Biotechs & CROs.

Want to learn more about content automation for preclinical writing? Contact us to speak to an expert today.

High quality first drafts of Preclinical Reports

At Yseop, we understand the ever-evolving regulatory requirements across preclinical scientific writing. With writers facing mounting deadlines and pressure to deliver multiple studies across a growing number of molecules in the drug discovery pipeline, Yseop Copilot accelerates the delivery of drugs to market, reducing costs and impacting lives. 

Yseop Copilot was designed to automate the critical chain of preclinical documents required as part of the drug lifecycle. Each automation pack:

Automation packs for the pharmacokinetic, pharmacodynamic and toxicology reports augment the delivery of regulatory documents. Simply start the process with the import of the protocol and preclinical study data, and the automation packs utilize symbolic and machine learning techniques to create a high-quality first draft.

The undisputed
Generative AI leader
for medical writing

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The benefits of deep learning models

Impact: additional productivity gain + disruption in TTM gain due to full workflow automation

Case Studies

At the forefront of innovations and developments in AI and NLG.

How Lilly tapped into Generative AI capabilities with Yseop. Yseop is leading the way in content automation for regulated industries.
Providing a summarized and dynamic sales analysis to business analysts and other key stakeholders at Sanofi.

Frequently Asked Questions

Life Sciences: Clinical

Generative AI is a class of AI techniques that involve creating content, data, or output that is not directly copied from existing examples, but rather generated by the AI system itself from data and documents.

Yseop uses generative AI for content creation in regulated industries like life science and finance. We use several types of generative AI technologies and techniques depending on the type of information used as an input and the target output format (e.g. table, text, etc.)

ChatGPT is a tool designed for consumers to test the abilities of LLMs on a wide variety of tasks and is an attempt at AGI (Artificial General Intelligence).

Yseop Copilot uses the same underlying technology (probabilistic machine learning models) in a way that meets the trust and security needs of life sciences companies.

Natural Language Generation (NLG) is a subsection of Natural Language Processing (“NLP”). NLG software turns structured data into written narratives, writing like a human being but at the speed of thousands of pages per second.

No. Yseop Copilot is meant to act as a tool to empower users to be more innovative and analytical, while automating structured, repetitive processes and calculations.

Yseop Copilot offers a platform that can automate different documents. Those documents are handled by a specific automation pack. Automation packs consist of packaged components and configurations specific to a use case or document. This affords you the freedom to select the precise automation pack that aligns perfectly with your unique requirements, granting you a solution that’s as adaptable as it is efficient.

Currently, we offer automation packs for a variety of use cases including clinical study reports, clinical trial narratives, corporate finance, credit risk, and much more.

Yes! If you are interested in learning more about Yseop’s content automation solutions, we encourage you to sign up for a free trial to see the technology work in action.

Clinical study reports, clinical trial narratives, summary clinical safety, and preclinical study reports for pharmacokinetics.

Yes. Yseop Copilot is 100% accurate based on the input of information into the platform. However, it is meant to be a first draft for writers to go in and finalize based on style and writing preferences.

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Take the first step to start automating your data to narratives today!

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