
Weekly AI Digest: Studies Show Enterprise Benefits from Automation

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Opinions about automation in the workplace are slowly changing, based on two different surveys that were recently released. The first, a survey from MIT and Genesys. They interviewed over 550 senior executives about their use of technology for customer experience programs. The other study, from Capgemini, looks at nearly 1,000 organizations and over 50 use cases to identify the benefits of AI. The common insight from the two studies: companies adopting AI and automation technology today are seeing both immediate and long-term benefits from automation.

Yseop has been around for over 10 years now and we’ve seen the changes of AI and automation technology. We have seen first-hand the benefits of automation for our customers. For example, take our first customer, a large telecom operator in Europe. Before Yseop, they were receiving tens of thousands of claims per month. These claims ranged from simple to complex and replying to these claims could take up to several weeks.

With Yseop, they were able to automatically generate responses to over 30,000 claims per month, saving time and money all while boosting capacity (25%). So, whether that’s an executive report, CRM summary, or customized store performance reports, Yseop’s technology can help your company to remain competitive.

If you’re looking for statistics that help you understand and show some of the benefits from automation, I recommend downloading both studies, they’re full of useful figures and helpful tips. Here are just a few highlights of interesting stats from the two studies:

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