
The Future of AI, IoT and Robotics— Part II

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This is the second in a two-part series reflecting on the SIDO international AI and connected objects conference held in Lyon earlier this year attended by Marion Fioravanti a technology fan and one of YSEOP’s long-standing R&D engineers. In her event write up, Marion reflects on the SIDO event and the questions and possible answers about the future of AI and our increasingly connected world.

What is the future for mankind?
So what will become of man when machines are everywhere? Will we still need trained human doctors when diagnostic devices can perform these roles. Will we have the right to disagree with a diagnosis? To refuse a treatment? If we take the example of the Chinese artificial intelligence which learnt medicine in a few days and passed the exams with flying colours, then these questions become more concrete and immediate. But researchers assure us that it isn’t a question of replacement. We will always need the human capacity to reason, to clarify beyond the limits of algorithms, to manage unexpected or rare cases and to add new expertise. AI might be able to extend what we can do, but it’s us at humans who will frame and evolve it.


In the margins of all of this, we’re seeing the emergence of the trend for Tech For Good, which has as its mantra, Tech with Humankind in Mind. Their aim is to preserve the planet and put humans and the environment first. Long may this movement prosper!

How does YSEOP fit into this?
In tandem with Connected Objects, the big growth area in AI is in the domain of welcoming robots and personal aids. Increasingly natural interactions with humans are becoming a priority which is reliant upon the ability to generate higher quality and more human sounding text and dialogue. With Natural Language Generation at the heart of YSEOP’s work I am excited to see growth in this area, and the recognition of the importance of human-like machine generated text.

To learn more about what Marion and her colleagues in the YSEOP R&D team have been working on and how Natural Language Generation could help your business flourish, have a look at our How to Choose Your First NLG Use Case guide!

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