Leadership Team

Vassyly Lygeros

Vassyly Lygeros

Director of Product Architecture

Vassyly is the Director of Product Architecture, responsible for defining the technical vision of the product, as well as the overall structure and organization. He oversees the functional needs of a variety of business areas, technical needs, and integrations with other solutions.

Vassyly began his career as an engineer, designing real-time systems in the chemical and printing industries. He then joined a software company to create human process and document management systems, working with IBM and Microsoft where he was involved in UX/UI, SDK building, third-party integration, and interoperability. Vassyly has worked for major companies in various sectors to define and design technical solutions for end-users as part of the digital transformation process.

A passionate outdoorsman, Vassyly navigates between the depths of the sea and the high mountains. He appreciates the good things in life and never misses an opportunity to discover new desserts!

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